We do not want to be bored about fermentation processes, top fermentation and lower fermentation. You can find it in Wikipedia or other sources. We only test bright wheatbeer or Weißbier and simply seek the best wheatbeer or Weißbier of the world.
Like most beer drinkers, we also had our personal favorites in the circle of friends. These were, above all, the larger and better-known beer varieties. From discussions about the pros and cons and the influence of the advertising emerged the idea of an independent blind tasting. At the beginning we have simply selected the beer varieties, which were easily available and covered our favorite varieties. The respective varieties can be taken from the results.
In the second year, we met the challenge. We have again sent our three winners from the previous year into the race, some newcomers and also discounter beers. Are these really bad or does the image of a beer brand still play a big role?
In 2016, we wanted to know whether the people from Baden-Württemberg can beat the Bavarians at their best - the Weißbier. It was very exciting. However, the results speak clearly for Bavarian beers.
In 2017, we tried new challengers from Bavaria. Mostly of them we've never tried so far. In general they were better than the ones from our previous year's best of Baden-Württemberg.
Next year we will share our experiences with all lovers of the fruity blond under an exciting motto again.
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